2005 Solar world Congress Program Particpation Overview

There are many ways you can participate in the program at the 2005 Solar World Congress. You can submit proposals for papers for technical sessions, forum sessions or workshops, or you can make suggestions for Congress Plenary speakers. Please remember that space and time for presentations is limited, and that all proposals are judged competitively and not all entries can be accepted.

The deadline for ALL proposals was November 15, 2004 .

Technical Papers

A Technical Paper will be accepted based upon an extended abstract, which will be reviewed by the conference Technical Review Committee. All Technical Papers will be published in the Proceedings distributed at the 2005 Solar World Congress. Technical paper authors may choose to have their papers peer-reviewed. Peer-reviewed papers will be published in a separate conference proceedings.

Technical papers are also being accepted by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Solar Energy Division. Conference papers submitted to ASME will undergo a dual-review process for both the conference and for the Journal of Solar Energy Engineering.

Please submit your abstract to only one organization. Do not submit the same abstract to both organizations

Additional Publishing Opportunity
In addition to publishing your paper in the 2005 Solar World Congress Proceedings, you may submit it to the associated peer-reviewed journal Solar Energy, the official journal of the International Solar Energy Society.

Click here for more information on Solar Power.

Forums can include case studies, panel discussions, interactive peer-to-peer or teaching sessions. We want and need a mixture of different presentation formats. Forum proposals must include topic, objectives and possible speakers and moderators. The Solar World Congress Program Committee will select final Forums based upon interest to conference attendees, importance of information and relevance to the conference theme or other conference topics.

For deadlines and Forum proposal preparation and submittal instructions and a more detailed explanation of what preparing a Forum for the Solar World Congress entails click here.

All Workshops will be delivered either in the days just before or just after the conference. Workshops provide a more detailed and structured treatment of relevant topics in a much longer format that 90 minute conference sessions. Workshops are typically four or eight hours long. Workshop proposals must include in-depth information about the topic to be covered, a list of presenters, and a list of handouts (if any). Workshop presenters are required to negotiate and sign an agreement with appropriate conference organizers. Workshops will require separate fees and registration, and fees must cover expenses.

For deadlines and Workshop proposal preparation and submittal instructions and a more detailed explanation of what preparing Workshop for the Solar World Congress entails click here.

Plenary Speakers
Plenary sessions at the Solar World Congress will be designed to showcase speakers of the highest caliber – the acknowledged leaders of the Renewable Energy Community. We are looking for experts in many different arenas, including but not limited to researchers, architects, businesspeople, political leaders and successful advocates. We are asking for suggestions for Plenary speakers. You may suggest yourself.

The deadline for accepting proposals, abstracts or speaker suggestions has passed.  If you would like to submit a late proposal or abstract, please e-mail it  We will consider late proposals and abstracts ONLY if we have room in the program after we have considered all proposals that were received before the deadline.

Participant Eligibility
Abstracts and proposals will be accepted from anyone who has special knowledge in the solar, renewable or sustainability fields. Program selections are based solely on the merit of the described work. The conference organizers will not discriminate nor will they condone discrimination against any individual on the basis of sex, sexual preference, creed, religion, race or national affiliation.

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